How to Firm the Skin Around Your Stomach

Name the reason for wanting a flatter tummy and you'll find millions of men and women ready to commiserate with you. Post-baby overhang? A laborious weight loss goal finally met? Perhaps you're just of a certain age and gravity has taken a toll on your once-flat abs. There are many remedies to explore, from exercise to surgery.

Things You'll Need

  • Cellulite-reducing lotions
  • Exercise equipment
  • Clay-based products
  • Body-shaping undergarments
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      Set aside 15 minutes a day to reclaim your stomach muscles by doing any combination of ab-busting crunches. You can do tummy-firming exercises without or without special equipment, such as an "abdominal buster."

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      Try lotions and potions to firm the skin around your stomach. Choose among many brands of cellulite-busting products. Expect to find exotic ingredients like emu oil, argireline and hyaluronic acids on labels. Apply due diligence when comparing these products.

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      Consider clay-based products, such as a firming wrap that works with an earthy clay to compress your stomach skin into a more flattering shape (while it reduces your wallet by about $50). Review product claims for this type of product and seek independent product reviews.

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      Investigate plastic surgery, if other methods don't work. Call it what you will---mommy makeover, guilty pleasure or a final commentary on an extended battle with stomach bulge. Find a board-certified surgeon and ask for options---full tummy tuck, mini-tuck, liposuction plus tuck---before saying yes, since you'll be picking up the tab.

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      Explore cellulite removal, which steps around invasive plastic surgery by offering patients injections of natural compounds into the stomach area to break down and eliminate fat. Some individuals pair this treatment with laser stretch-mark removal.

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      Buy tummy-reducing undergarments. You can find these slimming garments in any lingerie department.

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