Pineapple Diet for Lungs
Why Use Pineapples?
Over time, matter and debris inevitably accumulates in everyone's lungs. This is nearly unavoidable for most people. Pineapple is believed by some to help cleanse the lungs naturally. It's also believed to naturally get rid of intestinal worms in the body, which for most people, is a good thing. There are some cases where intestinal worms are deliberately introduced into the body through what is called worm therapy, but most people would rather not have intestinal worms and believe many illnesses and diseases occur as a result of them.
Diet Basics
The idea behind the pineapple diet or fast is to eat as much fresh pineapple as you can over a three-day period. The individual is not supposed to eat anything else while on the diet. The diet can be completed for up to 10 days, but being on this kind of diet for that length of time may be unhealthy, so people interested in being on the pineapple diet for 10 days should first talk it over with their doctor. Wormwood and ginger tea are allowed on the diet, as well as figs, raw almonds and whole pumpkin seeds. All of these foods are good for cleansing lungs. Oranges and steamed carrots are also allowed and are recommended in the middle of the day to break the fast.
The Pineapple Cleanse for Smokers
One group of people that the pineapple diet is recommended for is smokers, because they tend to have a lot more debris in their lungs than the average person. Sometimes, when people are making the effort to quit smoking, they would like to cleanse their lungs and get the bad stuff out. There are many reasons for this. The first reason that a lung cleanse may be handy is that if not completed, it can take up to a year for the chemicals and toxins to be out of the person's body, even if he is not smoking. By participating in the pineapple diet, the ex-smoker can cleanse his lungs faster.