How Not to Gain Weight While in a Wheelchair
Watch the Diet
After wheelchair confinement, some individuals find themselves continuing old eating habits or picking up new, less healthy nutritional intakes. Dieting and weight loss experts at assert that overeating can contribute more to weight gain than reduced exercise, so individuals in wheelchairs should pay careful attention to what foods they eat and how much they ingest. To maintain a healthy weight, individuals who must remain in a wheelchair should increase their intake of healthy foods like vegetables and protein-rich chicken breast while reducing their intake of sweets and high-carbohydrate foods. A large intake of water is especially important, both for maintaining a healthy weight and rebuilding the body's natural abilities. For an idea of how many calories to consume in a day, wheelchair users should consider visiting an online calorie calculator like the one offered by FreeDieting to calculate their precise daily caloric needs (see link in the Resource section of this article). With this information, a wheelchair user can adjust his daily intake to match his calorie needs and prevent unwanted weight gain.
Get Some Exercise
Second only to diet, exercise is a major contributor to a person's overall physical well being. Although individuals in wheelchairs may feel too limited to engage in strenuous activities like aerobic exercise or weight lifting, a number of wheelchair users use exercise and even sports to maintain prime physical physique. Weight loss experts on attest that many wheelchair users engage in team sports like tennis and Tae Kwon Do, and those who have friends in wheelchairs may consider joining wheelchair-friendly sports teams that play basketball, racing, baseball and even hockey. Wheelchair users who have use of their arms may also realize considerable benefits by lifting weights, as upper body weight training increases muscle mass, boosts the body's ability to burn calories and enhances the upper body strength necessary for propelling and controlling a manually-powered wheelchair.
Avoid Depression
Some individuals who have recently become wheelchair bound may find themselves fighting feelings of depression stemming from the lifestyle change. While many individuals harbor the misconception that depression is simply a feeling of sadness, the disorder has very real physical roots. According to the mental health website, depression can slow the body's metabolism and alter critical body functions to result in significant weight gain (or, in some cases, weight loss). To avoid gaining weight due to depression after entering a wheelchair, individuals should maintain a regular exercise routine and get as much exposure to natural sunlight as possible. If necessary, individuals who feel like they might be fighting depression should consult a doctor and consider prescription antidepressant medications.