What Is the Least Amount of Calories I Can Eat in a Day?
Eating a good amount of calories is necessary for survival. Getting too few often means you cannot operate fully and to the best of your ability. Too few calories for a significant length of time can result in starvation and maybe death.
Basal Metabolic Rate
Your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the amount of calories your body requires to function. Assuming you have no fat stored in your body, the fewest calories you should eat daily is equal to your BMR.
Weight Loss
Eating fewer calories than your BMR creates a deficit and forces your body to use calories stored in your fat cells. When this happens, weight loss is inevitable.
Eating fewer amount of calories can help you lose weight; however you want to make sure you are getting the appropriate amount of nutrients. This is best done through eating high-nutrient foods, but a multivitamin can be beneficial as well.
Sedentary women should consume approximately 2,000 calories per day while sedentary men should consume approximately 2,200. These numbers are for normal weight individuals.
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