How to Calculate Protein Content in Food

Protein is the building block for all muscle in your body. When you work out the muscle fiber in your body tears, and you need to repair the muscle with protein. In order to properly intake an adequate amount of protein during your daily diet you need to count and calculate the amount of protein in the food you are eating. Then, taking this into consideration you can adjust your diet to increase or decrease the amount of protein, helping your body build larger muscle tissue.

Things You'll Need

  • Scale
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    • 1

      Determine the body weight you ideally want. This is going to help determine the amount of protein you should be eating every day.

    • 2

      Multiply the number you came up with by .36. This is the amount of protein, in grams, you need to consume if you are a healthy, fit individual. If you do not consider yourself extremely healthy or fit multiply the desired body weight by .6.

    • 3

      Look at the back of the food package for the product you are about to eat. The package states how large a serving is and how many grams of protein is in each serving.

    • 4

      Measure out the food you are going to eat by exact servings. This is going to help you determine exactly how much protein you are eating. For some food products you need a scale to properly weigh the food and come up with serving sizes.

    • 5

      Write down the amount of protein you consume after every meal. Try to eat the necessary amount of protein to help achieve your desired weight.

    • 6

      Add up the amount of protein you consumed at the end of each day.

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