How to Test Your BMI
Things You'll Need
- Skin caliper
Calculating Your BMI Using Height and Weight
Use the BMI calculator resource located at the end of this article.
Select the tab you want to use for either standard or metric measurements.
Enter the information for your weight and height. Then select "Compute BMI."
Interpret your figure:
An adult with a BMI below 18.5 is considered underweight.
An adult with a BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 is considered to be of normal weight.
An adult with a BMI between 25.0 and 29.9 is considered overweight.
An adult with a BMI above 30 is considered obese.
Calculating Your BMI Based on Skinfold Measurements (For Women)
Both the person being measured and the helper need to stand. The helper needs to pinch the skin between thumb and forefinger, pulling up all the fat. Hold firmly. Then with the other hand, grip the pinch with the caliper midway between the crest and base of the skinfold. Read the measurement, rounding to the nearest .5mm, and record.
Measure just above the front hip bone protrusion.
With the person's arms relaxed at the side, measure the skin midway between the shoulder and elbow at the back of the arm.
Measure midway between the knee and the top of the thigh.
Repeat this process three more times to ensure that your figures are accurate. If no two measurements are alike, use the median number for that location. Use the skinfold calculator located in the resources below to interpret your measurements.
Calculating your BMI based on skinfold measurements (for men)
Both the person being measured and the helper need to stand. The helper needs to pinch the skin between thumb and forefinger, pulling up all the fat. Hold firmly. Then with the other hand, grip the pinch with the caliper midway between the crest and base of the skinfold. Read the measurement, rounding to the nearest .5mm, and record.
Measure diagonally halfway between the person's armpit and nipple.
Measure approximately one inch distance to the side of the person's belly button.
Measure midway between the knee and the top of the thigh.
Repeat this process three more times to ensure that your figures are accurate. If no two measurements are alike, use the median number for that location. Use the skinfold calculator located in the resources below to interpret your measurements.