How to Calculate Your Calorie Counter

Calories measure how much energy food provides to our bodies. The amount and type of calories we ingest determine how much energy our bodies have. To maintain an energized healthy lifestyle, you should consume a diet that consists of proteins, carbohydrates, nutrients and fats. Depending on your body type, age and sex, your body requires different amounts of these nutrients. Your calorie requirements are also determined by your BMR (basal metabolic rate). The BMR is plugged into the calorie calculation and serves as a guide to the amount and type of calories you should consume per day. Just get out your calculator and follow these simple steps.

Things You'll Need

  • Demographic information on yourself
  • Number of times you exercise per week
  • Your basal metabolic rate
  • Calculator
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      Your BMR is the amount of energy your body expends while sedentary. Determine your BMR first. Men use the following formula: BMR = 66 + (6.23 x weight in pounds) + (12.7 x height in inches) -- (6.8 x age in years). Women use the following formula: BMR = 655 + (4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) -- (4.7 x age in years).

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      Plug the BMR you just determined into the calorie-count formula, which is the Harrison Benedict Formula. This rate will ultimately give you the calorie count you need to maintain your current weight. This formula not only uses the BMR, but also uses whether you exercise as a main variable. Use the following formulas based on your lifestyle:
      A. No exercise: Calorie calculation = BMR x 1.2
      B. 1-3 days exercise per week: Calorie calculation = BMR x 1.375
      C. 3-5 days exercise: Calorie calculation = BMR x 1.55
      D. 6-7 days exercise: Calorie calculation = BMR x 1.725
      E. 6-7 days exercise/physical job or training: Calorie calculation = BMR x 1.9

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      Determine if you should increase or decrease weight. Take your current calorie count, which is what you need to maintain your weight, and adjust it higher if you want to gain weight or lower if you want to lose weight.

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