Exercises to Trim the Waistline for Men
Pilates Criss-Cross
The purpose of the Pilates criss-cross is to work out the muscles in the waist and lower trunk. This will help to get rid of love handles and eliminate fat from the side.
While lying on a flat surface (a mat is preferable), place your hands at the base of your head and keep your elbows spread out by pulling the shoulder blades together and downward. Next, bend your knees so that they are directly over your hips. Your shin should be parallel to the floor, and your toes should be pointed outward.
Now, lift your head and shoulders until you feel a fold just under the chest. Flex your abdominal muscles as you inhale, then exhale as you twist your waist and bring your left elbow to the right knee, while simultaneously extending your left leg away from you. For an effective workout, switch legs as you inhale and exhale.
Saxon Side Bend
The side bend will work to strengthen and lengthen the side abdominal muscles. Simply hold a set of dumbbells over your head. With your back straight, bend to your right as far as possible without twisting your torso. Hold the position for approximately five to 10 seconds, and return to the upright position. Hold your upright position for approximately five to 10 seconds and then bend to your left as far as possible without bending your torso. Hold this position for five to 10 seconds before returning to your upright position.
Oblique V-Up
The V-Up will work out the muscles in your upper legs and lower hips, where pockets of fat are found that are often difficult to get rid of. Simply lie on your side with arms crossed over your chest. Your legs should be kept together, one on top of the other. Using the strength of the bottom leg, lift your legs off the floor while you raise the top elbow toward the hip. Reverse your position to work out the opposite side of your body. Although your range of motion is quite limited, you will feel extreme tensing of the muscles in your obliques.