Bioflavonoid for Weight Loss
Eat Colorful Raw Fruits
Eat three to five raw fruits per day. According to Dr. Gary Pepper, Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine at New York School of Medicine, bioflavonoids have many health benefits. These pigments have anti-carcinogenic, anti-aging and anti-mutagenic effects on the body. They help keep cells healthy and reduce the incidence of cancer and other diseases. Bioflavonoids reduce inflammation, improve cardiovascular health and improve circulation which is beneficial for exercise and weight loss.
Fruit also contains fiber, and other vitamins and minerals which help to maintain health and wellness. These foods also help curb sugar cravings because they are sweet. Instead of grabbing a candy bar, snack on fresh strawberries or apples.
Eat Colorful Raw Vegetables
Eat five to eight servings of raw vegetables per day. You can cook your vegetables, but cooking destroys many of the vital nutrients and enzymes found in food. If you must cook your food, try steaming, rather than baking or frying. Many nutrients are still kept intact from steaming, but eating raw is still best. Great choices include broccoli, kale, carrots, beets, cucumbers, green peppers, red peppers and yellow peppers, along with regular staples like carrots and cucumbers.
You can also get protein from some super pigmented sea vegetables like spirulina. Spirulina is a whole food which can be found in most health food stores. This sea vegetable contains a highly digestible form of protein along with vitamins, minerals and other health goodies like bioflavonoids and amino acids.
Take Bioflavonoid Supplements
Buy bioflavonoid supplements at your local health food store. You can also find these super pigments in concentrated form at your local health food store. Sometimes bioflavonoids are labeled as vitamin P or citrus pigments. When Vitamin C is made that is the only thing that is extracted from food; however, Vitamin C may contain traces of bioflavonoids. You can also buy vitamin C with bioflavonoids added.