Quick Way to Calculate BMI

Body Mass Index, or BMI, is a quick, easy way to determine ideal body mass based on weight and height. The formula was developed in the 19th century by a Belgium statistician named Adolphe Quelet. There are many BMI calculators available online, which allow you to simply plug in height and weight. You can also determine BMI on your own.
  1. Measurements

    • Determine weight and height in imperial or metric measurements. Imperial measurements will include pounds (weight) and inches or feet (height). Metric measurements will include kilograms (weight) and centimeters or meters (height).


    • If working in imperial measurements, multiply weight by 703. Divide this figure by height squared. The resulting number is your BMI. If working in metric measurements, simply divide weight by height squared. This is your BMI.

    Reference Ranges

    • Match the resulting number against the following scale developed by Adolphe Quelet: below 18.5 (underweight), 18.5 to 24.9 (normal), 25 to 29.9 (overweight), or 30 and above (obese).

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