How to Get Your Wife to Go on a Diet
Things You'll Need
- Healthy cookbooks
- Healthy food options
Getting started
Approach her gently. Don't tell your wife she's getting fat. Try giving her a hint in a broader context. Tell her you've read an article about an interesting diet you'd like to try. Suggest a diet before going on vacation so you'll both look great. Buy a healthy cookbook, and point out recipes to her that you think you'd both love. She'll get the hint, but if you place that hint in a broader context of trying something new or improving her health, she's less likely to see the suggestion as an insult.
Set a realistic goal. Don't tell your wife she should lose 20 pounds in a month. Once she's started a diet, she'll want a goal. A good idea is to buy her a piece of clothing she wants in a size or two too small. It'll give her motivation every time she sees it hanging in her closet.
Go grocery shopping with your wife. Pick out foods together that you both would love to eat. She'll appreciate you spending time with her and keep her from buying junk food.
Give positive reinforcement. Make sure you tell your wife how great she looks. Compliments will improve her self confidence. People who are confident want to maintain that positive feeling. If she knows you appreciate her efforts, she's more likely to stick with them.
Join her in a healthy lifestyle. Don't sit on the couch eating potato chips while your wife nibbles on a carrot stick. Dieting with your wife will be beneficial for the both of you. A partner provides encouragement when you're discouraged. Plan, cook and eat your meals together. It'll be more fun for both of you.