How to Perform the Body Fat Pinch Test
Things You'll Need
- Skinfold caliper
- Notebook to record body fat measurements
Purchase a skinfold caliper. These come in many varieties and a wide range of prices, but the two most common are the expensive and extremely accurate Harpenden caliper and the much cheaper and slightly less accurate Slim Guide caliper. Harpenden calipers would be more appropriate for very athletic individuals who are seeking to closely monitor their progress, whereas Slim Guide calipers are best as a starting point for most people.
Calibrate the caliper if your model requires and supports this feature. Small errors in calibration can lead to large errors in body fat percentage measurement. However, be aware that it may be necessary to purchase a calibration kit separately.
Choose a site to measure your body fat, and stick with this site each time to ensure consistency. Some common sites are the triceps, biceps, abdominal, and front of the thigh. Typically a site on the right side of the body is used, although this is again only to ensure consistency in measurement. Consult the instructions that came with your caliper for exact positioning.
Pinch the skin at your chosen site with your fingers, grabbing skin and adipose tissue but not muscle. The muscle will be noticeably denser and more firm than the skin and adipose tissue. Try it as many times as necessary to get a feel for the tissues.
Apply the calipers one centimeter below your fingers and at a right angle to the skin surface (which means directly into the pinched skin, not obliquely at an angle). Take your measurement after waiting two seconds with the calipers engaged, then release and take another measurement, averaging the two values.