How to Calcutale Navy Percentage of Body Fat
Things You'll Need
- Measuring tape
- Scientific calculator
Take several measurements with a soft measuring tape and record them on a piece of paper. You may find this easier with a partner.
Measure the circumference, or the distance around, the neck. Take the measurement just below the Adam's apple.
Measure the circumference of the waist. Women should measure the area halfway between the last rib and the top of the hip bone. This is the natural waist. Men should measure around the mid-section over the navel.
Measure the area around the hips if you are a female. This area is the widest section between the hips and the buttocks.
Compute the body fat percentage. This can be done simply at a website like, or you can manually perform the calculation with a scientific calculator.
For women, you will process the following calculation, according to 163.205 x log10 (waist + hip - neck) - 97.684 x log10 (height in inches) - 78.387.
The calculation for men, according to is: 86.010 x log10 (adomen - neck) - 70.041 x log10 (height in inches) + 36.76.Log10 refers to a logarithm calculation with a base of 10, and is easily calculated on a calculator or data spreadsheet provided by a software program.
Interpret the results. An average woman has between 22% and 25% body fat, and a man has between 15% and 18%, per The minimum acceptable percentage for a rating of good health is 12% for women and 5% for men.