How to Put on Weight Healthily
Things You'll Need
- Daily multivitamin
- Fruits
- Nuts
- Free weights
- Cheese
- Ground chicken
- Eggs
Decrease your sugar intake. While this may seem counter intuitive, cutting down on sugar calories, which are empty, and replacing them will "fuller" calories from protein, for example, will help your body turn those extra calories into muscle, rather than just burning on through them.
Take a daily multivitamin. Vitamin deficiencies can cause weight loss, as well as weight gain. Make sure you stay healthy while you are changing up your diet by taking a daily multivitamin appropriate for your age and health conditions.
Eat plenty of healthy snacks. Not only will this enable you to eat more, but it will help you get the right kind of calories in your system. Eating fresh fruits and healthy, fatty foods such as nuts and avocados will help you gain weight without compromising your health.
Add healthy calories to meals. You can add grated, cooked eggs to mashed potatoes, ground chicken to soups and gravies, and cheese to just about anything. You will be getting more nutritious calories and it will not cause you to fill up any faster.
Start lifting weights daily. You can work one set of muscles each day if you like, or establish a routine that alternates between several muscle groups each day. This will help your body hold onto all those additional calories and turn them into muscle rather than just burning them up and losing them.