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How to Measure Body Fat Percentages Without Calipers
Many people attempt to keep track of their body fat percentage, or the overall percentage weight that is fat only. Bodybuilders, cyclists and other athletes track their body fat percentage to determine how their training is paying off. Many times to determine their body fat percentage, athletes will use a set of calipers with percentages marked on the gauge. A fold of skin is squeezed between the calipers to determine the reading. If you do not have access to calipers, it's still possible to figure your body fat percentage.Instructions
Stand up straight in front of a helper and let your arms hang straight down at your sides. Be completely relaxed throughout your entire body.
Have your helper gently pinch a bit of skin directly behind your bicep, between the elbow and the shoulder on your right arm. Make sure he or she gets only get fat/skin and no muscle.
Have your helper measure the size of the pinched skin with a ruler and then use the table below to determine your approximate body fat percentage. Here's how it works: 1/4 inch, 5 to 9 percent; 1/2 inch, 9 to 13 percent; 3/4 inch, 13 to 18 percent; 1 inch, 18 to 22 percent; 1 1/2 inch, 22 to 27 percent; 2 inches, 27 to 32 percent; 2 1/2 inches, 32 to 37 percent.