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How to Measure Body Fat Percentages Without Calipers
Stand up straight in front of a helper and let your arms hang straight down at your sides. Be completely relaxed throughout your entire body.
Have your helper gently pinch a bit of skin directly behind your bicep, between the elbow and the shoulder on your right arm. Make sure he or she gets only get fat/skin and no muscle.
Have your helper measure the size of the pinched skin with a ruler and then use the table below to determine your approximate body fat percentage. Here's how it works: 1/4 inch, 5 to 9 percent; 1/2 inch, 9 to 13 percent; 3/4 inch, 13 to 18 percent; 1 inch, 18 to 22 percent; 1 1/2 inch, 22 to 27 percent; 2 inches, 27 to 32 percent; 2 1/2 inches, 32 to 37 percent.