The Best Way to Suppress Appetite
Start by making sure you are getting the suggested daily amount of vitamins each day for your body type. Your body craves the nutrients that it is lacking. Therefore, if you are not getting enough of the things your body needs it will start to crave or make you feel hungry. An easy way to avoid this is to start each day with a multi-vitamin. Read the label to ensure your multi-vitamin has at least 100 percent of the daily-recommended value of nutrients based on your body type.
The Right Foods
Your body needs the right kind of fuel to run correctly. As though you did not hear it enough as a child, make sure you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. The Department of Health and Human Services and the United States Department of Agriculture recommend you consume at least four servings (the equivalent of about 2 cups) of fruits and vegetables a day. This will severely cut back on food cravings, as your body will take in what feels like a lot of food, with good nutrients that it needs. Make sure you are eating at least two servings of healthy proteins a day. This can be a serving of meat, eggs or beans. The right amount of healthy proteins helps your body to feel and stay full. For more information of daily food recommendations, refer to the United States Department of Agriculture's website below.
Drinking plenty of water is one of the best ways to suppress your appetite. Health experts recommend drinking an eight-ounce glass of water eight times per day. Staying hydrated is important to keeping your appetite at bay. If your body is thirsty, it may misinterpret it as hunger. Therefore, drinking as much water throughout the day as possible is a great way to satisfy your appetite. It is also beneficial in flushing toxins from your body and keeping you altogether healthier. Fill a water bottle up and keep it with you as much as possible. Take a drink every time you think about it and eventually it will become second nature to keep yourself hydrated.
Alternative Methods
In addition to the natural methods of appetite suppression there are also over the counter and herbal supplements available to aid you. Because most of these supplements include ingredients that can raise heart rate or blood pressure, it is best to consult your personal physician before trying any dietary supplements or appetite suppressants.