How to Get Flat Abs in Seconds

There are many steps you can take to get flat abs in seconds, and you don't need balls or resistance bands or a crash diet. You do need discipline and a little bit of time. If you have children or a busy work schedule it can be difficult to get in the proper amount of exercise and follow the right diet needed for a balanced workout. This guide will help you start developing the abs you want in a few seconds.


  1. Instructions

    • 1

      Change your posture. Sit upright in your chair as you work or as you eat at home. Square your shoulders and straighten your back. Slouching forces your stomach to be lazy and that can create extra fat around your abdomen.

    • 2

      Increase your energy. Do quick runs or walks; move constantly. The more you move the better your metabolism will be. To burn calories you need a good metabolism. Among the things you can do that take only a few seconds are jogging in place around the house, running up and down the stairs two or three times, walking around the perimeter of your house or apartment complex, and playing games with your baby.

    • 3

      Create a one-minute dance. Take a song you like and make up a dance routine to it. Keep things fresh by thinking of something different to do each time. Incorporate twisting, stretching, and quick movements so as to target the abs.

    • 4

      Breathe properly. Focus on breathing from your diaphragm instead of your lungs. Take a few seconds and hold your breath, stomach tight. Release the air slowly. Repeat this throughout the day whether at work or at home. Most of the time you aren't conscious of your breathing patterns, but conscious breathing helps your abs to expand and contract, giving them a workout without much effort.

    • 5

      Change your diet. Incorporate berries such as strawberries and blueberries into your diet. Berries control your blood sugar and add fiber, which helps control hunger. Eat green leafy vegetables to appease your appetite more quickly. Eat dark chocolate that's low in sugar and high in cocoa content. Consider eating more protein-rich foods such as grass-fed beef.

    • 6

      Release stress early and often. Stress can lead to increased belly fat as well as unnecessary work.

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