Can I Use Whey Protein As a Meal Supplement?
Who Can Benefit from Whey
People who are at risk for a deficiency in protein, such as the physically active or vegetarians have the greatest benefit from supplementation. As long as you're eating a healthy diet with a variety of foods, supplementation shouldn't be necessary. However, some people follow diets that severely restrict their food choices with resulting rapid weight loss. Supplementation should be considered. (See Reference 1)
If you exercise you may need the additional energy you can get from more protein, but that depends on how much you exercise and what you're already eating. According to the Journal of International Society of Sports Nutrition, there is disagreement regarding the need for athletes to supplement with protein. Some believe that protein needs can be met without supplements or shakes. However, the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Dietetic Association agree that resistance athletes need more protein, requiring 1.6-1.7 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight whereas endurance athletes need 1.2-1.4 grams of protein per kilogram daily. (See Reference 2)
Additional Benefits
Whey protein supplementation may have some additional benefits, including a decrease in blood sugar levels after you eat (see Reference 3). In addition, protein supplements have shown to support the immune system and decrease infections.
Choosing supplements
Whey protein comes in the form of either a powder or a shake. Powder can be sprinkled into food. You'll need to decide which protein supplement is right for you, depending upon whether you're an endurance or resistance athlete, or a non-athlete who exercises three or four times a week, or someone who doesn't exercise. If you're a body builder, you'll want more protein than an endurance athlete, who would choose more carbohydrates. To lose body fat, make sure you choose a protein supplement that is more than half protein. Whey protein alone is not a sufficient meal replacement but can be used as a supplement.
People who have diabetes and those with either kidney disease or kidney stones need to be cautious regarding additional protein. (See Resource 2)