How to Slow Hunger to Lose Weight
Don't take caffeine or diet pills. There are several easy ways to slow your hunger naturally. A multifaceted approach is the most effective way to slow your hunger. Try different methods and see which combination produces weight loss results for you.
How to Slow Hunger to Lose Weight
Eat a breakfast that is high in protein and low in carbs. According to Dr. Louis Aronne of NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center: "People who eat breakfast are more successful at losing weight, because it helps control appetite and cravings throughout the day." Try scrambled or poached eggs, using one, or no, yolks. Add finely chopped vegetables for added fiber, vitamins and flavor. A side dish of low-fat cottage cheese or vegetarian sausage adds even more protein to your first meal of the day.
Eat a healthy, low-carb snack in between meals. Consume a piece of fruit or a crunchy raw vegetable 30 minutes before eating lunch and dinner. At mealtimes, fill up on salad and vegetables first. Then ingest the protein portion of your meal, followed by any carbohydrates.
The Bradley University Newsletter recommends drinking a glass of water when you feel hungry. After drinking the glass of water, wait 10 minutes and the urge to eat might pass. If you still need to satisfy your hunger, pick a healthy snack that is part of your diet plan.
Stay motivated and lose weight. Hang multi-colored notes with words of encouragement around your work desk and on the refrigerator at home. Refer to them when you need to slow hunger. This will help prevent overeating and making unhealthy food selections. Write down your weight goal, favorite healthy snack options, reasons you want to lose weight, and inspiring quotes. When you crave high-calorie foods, read them aloud to slow hunger and stay motivated to adhere to your healthy diet. Take a deep breath and think about what each note means to you and your weight loss goals.