Exercises for Teens to Get a Flatter Stomach
Teenagers are usually under the false belief that since they are physically active, they can consume unhealthy foods without accumulating fat. Heavy intake of "fast foods" is one prime culprit causing fat accumulation in the stomach area. Sugar and excess carbohydrates are serious concerns, and teenagers gorge themselves carelessly with foods rich in these. Fried food harms the body when consumed in large quantities.
Indulge in Healthy Eating Habits
For a flatter stomach and better overall health, teenagers need to cultivate healthier eating habits, and include nutritional foods rich in vitamins and fiber. Teens should be encouraged to eat fruits and vegetables daily. Women should take 25 g and men 35 g of fiber every day, which will satiate them, control hunger, keep their blood sugar levels normal, control cravings and regulate their bowel movements, which alone can make the stomach supple and flat.
Exercise to Keep the Stomach Flat
Teenagers should exercise regularly. A wholesome exercise regimen should be encouraged, one that includes aerobics, weight lifting and specific stomach exercises. A workable exercise plan gives equal time to each during an exercise session, or dedicates one day of the week to each individual group.
Exercising early in the morning is most effective to achieve best results. Weight training and aerobics should be for a minimum of 30 minutes every day. Treadmill, steps, boxing, and other options can be looked into to add variety to the workout session. Weight exercises should vary and not concentrate wholly on one area of the body. A half hour or an hour workout should work all major muscle groups.
Sports for a Flatter Stomach
Teens should be further encouraged to get involved in sports, including running, walking, swimming, dancing or simply skipping ropes. Yoga and Pilates can give you nice stretches that tone the stomach also. Any kind of racket sport is excellent, as they involves twists that help tone the midriff. Lunges, squats, and crunches do not need any preparation and are a good way to keep the stomach disciplined.