Does Drinking Lemon Water Help Cut Weight
Benefits of Water in Weight Loss
Water by itself helps the body lose weight. When you drink the appropriate amount of water, at least 6-8 glasses per day, your body will stop holding the water it has previously stored for body use. The body stores water when it starts to become dehydrated. Additionally, "Water can decrease your appetite," said Dr. Mara Z. Vitolins, assistant professor of public health sciences (epidemiology) at Wake Forest University. "It is hard to distinguish between being thirsty and being hungry, so try drinking water and waiting 20 to 30 minutes to see if you're still hungry," she suggests.
Benefits of Lemons in Weight Loss
Lemons provide important vitamins and minerals while boosting the immune system. They contain high, concentrated levels of vitamin C, and they assist the body with digestive health.
Leading health writer Theresa Cheung advises that many of our weight loss issues are caused by our digestive systems not working correctly and that conventional dieting continues to hinder the digestive process. She is quoted on the online news website Mail Online as saying that the concentration of citric acid, "combines in a complex interaction with other acids and enzymes to ensure healthy and problem-free digestion by stimulating stomach juices."
Put it All Together
Lemon, lemon juice and water are all weight loss tools. Adding these items together should provide effective results. The lemon juice itself will increase the digestive system's effectiveness and help clean the body of waste. Water will keep your body from being dehydrated and retaining weight. Lemon juice added to water will also help the body absorb and use the water more effectively.
This is not the same as the famous Beyonce diet that includes of fresh water, pure lemon juice, cayenne pepper and natural maple syrup.