Fast Detox Methods
Drinking lots of fluids flushes out toxins and debris from the body. It is an easy way to cleanse the entire body right down to the cellular level. By drinking at least 64 ounces of fluids each day, you rid yourself of harmful materials that contribute to diseases and health problems. In addition to drinking water, drink healthy fluids like fruit and vegetable juices, and herbal teas. Avoid caffeine, sodas and alcohol during the detoxification process.
The body is self-repairing, but a fast accelerates the removal of unhealthy substances from it. With most fasts, no food is eaten. Only water is allowed during a traditional fast, but some allow broths, juices or teas. The idea is to stop eating solid food so that the body has nothing to digest or process. The energy the body utilizes for digestion is instead used for self-cleaning. Digestion is a complicated process using most of the organs in the body. By not eating food for a day or so, you give these organs get a rest and they concentrate on self-healing. A fast is a one of the best ways to detoxify quickly.
Colonic Irrigation.
A quick detoxification remedy is a colonic irrigation. In this medical procedure, a colon therapist uses warm water to flush out fecal matter and other wastes from the colon. After the body eliminates wastes from cells and tissues, these wastes make their way to the intestines, where they are eliminated during bowel movements. A colonic irrigation is a faster way to clean out the colon, thereby removing a great deal of accumulated wastes. Only a trained colon therapist should perform the procedure. A small tube inserted into the rectum is attached to a machine that pumps water through the intestines. Another tube removes the wastes. A colonic irrigation removes much of the harmful wastes in the colon within one to two hours.