How to start Gaining Weight and Muscle Fast
Scheduled Meals
Eat frequently and snack between meals. Meal replacement such as protein shakes, nutrament, slimfast can be prepared for periods such as between breakfast to lunch or lunch to dinner if you only each 3 meals a day.
People exercise to lose weight but in reality exercising helps build muscle which helps maintain weight at a consistent level. In addition muscle weighs more than fat. To help you body build muscle, do not forget to drink a protein shake or have a meal high in protein, following your workouts when your muscles have a high demand for protein to rebuild your muscles.
Drink lots of fluid
Your body is made up of over 70% water. I am sure you have heard the recommended 8 glasses of water a day. Most of us do not drink enough. Especially during the summer months when excess fluid is lost through sweating, proper hydration is key to maintaining body mass.