Foods for Rapid Weight Gain
All the talk about reducing carbohydrate intake and its relation to weight loss is inversely applicable to weight gain. Simple carbohydrates such as sugars and refined products containing white flour turn more quickly to fat when they are not immediately burned as energy than do complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates such as those found in fruits and vegetables provide more long-term energy storage for conversion to muscle. Choose unrefined whole wheat and grain products to rapidly create a mass of stored energy for healthy weight gain.
Lean protein sources provide the building blocks needed for rapid increases in muscle mass. Choose cuts of meat that are mostly muscle, and prepare them for cooking by removing all excess fat. Fish is a naturally lean protein source that is quickly prepared or even eaten raw. Select lower fat versions of cottage cheese, yogurt and other dairy products containing whey protein. Eggs and shellfish are also low-fat protein-packed foods.
Choose healthful fats to raise your calorie intake without casing your body damage. Stay away from all hydrogenated vegetable fats, and instead choose cold-pressed oils and fish fats. Eat fish that has been cooked in olive oil for a double dose of unsaturated fats. Seeds and nuts also contain these healthier fats and are an easily portable in-between meals snack. Dairy fats are preferable to those found in beef, chicken and pork.
Diet Plans
Set a schedule for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks to eat your way to your rapid weight gain goal. Shop with your plan in hand to make sure you buy the right kinds of foods. You won't be able to miss any meals or snack opportunities. Sometimes, this will mean eating when you are not all that hungry. Look for small bites of high-protein and high-carbohydrate snacks that you are able to quickly pop in your mouth even when you are on the go.
Power Shakes
Blending all-natural milkshakes at home is a fast way to load up on calories after workouts and between meals. Always start your base with whole milk to pack the double punch of high fat and protein. Milk also contains amino acids conducive to muscle growth. Drop in a scoop of vanilla ice cream to double up the potency of your rich dairy and add texture to your drink. Add natural sweetener by dropping a little honey, a few strawberries or a banana into the blender. These simple sugars will quickly convert into energy.