Reasons You May Be Gaining Weight
Choosing the wrong foods to eat, consuming too many calories and insufficient exercise can lead to weight gain. Overeating can easily lead to obesity. Obesity is a medical term used when a person has exceeded their ideal weight recommendations according to that individual's height and build.
Consuming fewer calories and increasing physical activity can control weight gain. The American Academy of Family Physicians states that a pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories. In order to lose one pound in a week, a person must eat 3500 fewer calories, which is 500 fewer calories per day for one week. Starting an exercise regimen can help burn the additional 3500 calories.
Gaining weight consistently over a long period of time, without losing any weight, can lead to obesity. This form of weight gain can lead to heart-related problems. The heart is under additional strain, which can lead to heart attacks.
Time Frame
Weight control is different for every person and mainly depends on that person's metabolism. With consistency, most see results in as few as two weeks. Make sure to include exercise on a daily basis, or as recommended by a certified physician, which will help to speed up weight loss.
Expert Insight
Fatty foods, such as hot dogs, chips, french fries and other greasy foods, greatly contribute to weight gain. Avoiding these and choosing healthier alternatives, such as low-fat or low-calorie foods, will contribute to a healthier lifestyle and to weight loss.