How to Increase Weight
Focus on increasing calories at meals. To gain weight, you must increase the number of calories you take in each day. Try to add a little more food to each meal, especially food high in calories. Be sure to add foods high in healthy fats, such as olive oil, avocado, and nuts.
Add snacks in between meals. Be sure to eat several snacks throughout the day that are packed with calories. Opt for meal replacement bars or high-calorie shakes as these will provide a high quantity of calories without unduly filling you up.
Add liquid calories. Adding drinks throughout the day can help you add calories without even noticing. Instead of water or diet soda, try juice or milk. Instead of tea or black coffee, switch to a cappuccino or latte. Liquid nutrition drinks such as Ensure are good options to both add calories as well as complete your nutritional intake. Better yet, make your own drinks with a blender at home -- this way you know that what you put in the drink is healthy and natural.
Take note of what you eat. Writing down what you eat throughout the day can help you consider whether you are eating enough calories. Perhaps you are eating less than you thought. Use online food diaries such as Fitday to track how many calories you take in through food and how many you expend through exercise and your daily routine.
Focus on adding the right exercise. Even if you are underweight, it is important to hit the gym; just make sure you are making the right workout choices. Stay away from simple cardio equipment as it will only burn off calories. Instead, focus on lifting weights with many repetitions to add tone. The light workouts will stimulate your appetite and you can even snack as you go.