10 Ways to Increase Metabolism
Perform Strength Training
Strength training is one of the single best steps you can take to boost your metabolism. Because muscle burns more calories than fat, incorporating lifting weights, using resistance bands, or even leveraging your body's own weight to build muscle can help to increase your strength.
Consume the Right Number of Calories
Depriving the body of the appropriate amount of calories not only zaps you of energy, it also decreases your metabolism. Because your calorie needs may decrease with age, you should assess how many you should consume based on your age, height, activity level, and desired weight.
Eat Small Meals
Consuming small meals throughout the day helps to keep your metabolism levels constant and prevents you from overeating, which can cause the metabolism to work overtime.
Consume Protein
Protein is a building block for muscle, therefore consuming enough helps boost your metabolism. MarieClaire.com recommends making sure 20 to 25 percent of your calories come from protein.
Snack Right
While many people think snacking contributes to weight gain, snacking on the right foods can boost your metabolism. Try low-fat, healthy foods, such as apples, carrot sticks, low-fat string cheese, peanut butter and rice cakes.
Get Your Heart Pumping
Regular cardiovascular activity can help to raise your metabolism levels, even long after you stop exercising. The Mayo Clinic recommends engaging in cardiovascular exercise at least 30 minutes of activity five days per week.
Consume Whole Foods
Whole grains, vegetables, and fruits into your diet are not only good for you, they are also good for your metabolism. These foods leave you feeling fuller, longer, which can prevent overeating.
Keep Stress in Check
Stress and anxiety elevate the hormone cortisol, which can prevent the normal processes of the body, such as building muscle mass. If you are feeling stressed, try deep breathing, exercising or simply talking to a friend about your feelings.
Don't Skimp on Sleep
Aim for seven to eight hours of sleep a night, according to Shape.com. Getting enough sleep enough allows your body to recharge and helps you to feel more emotionally stable, which prevents overeating.
Choose Fish
In addition to keeping your heart healthy, omega-3 fatty acids found in fish and fish oil supplements can increase the fat-burning enzymes in your body, thus boosting metabolism. Aim to consume about 300 milligrams of EPA and DHA (both found in fish) a day, according to the Mayo Clinic.