Five Ways to Maintain Ideal Body Weight
Regular exercise is an integral part of maintaining ideal body weight. According to Oregon University Health and Science, exercise reduces the risks of heart disease and other issues that arise from obesity. Experts recommend exercising for 45 to 60 minutes a day to lose or maintain weight. Exercise should include aerobic activities such as walking, running, biking or aerobics. Strength training also complements an aerobic program by building muscle and burning fat.
Count Calories
Maintaining a healthy weight involves paying close attention to calorie consumption. For those individuals who've achieved significant weight loss, this involves a lifestyle change. This change begins with avoidance of sugary and high-fat foods. The proper diet should include plenty of fruits, vegetables and lean proteins. White sugars and starches should be avoided and replaced with whole grain cereals and breads. Oregon University Health and Science helps explain proper caloric intake by stating that individuals usually need 10 to 12 calories for each pound of body weight. To maintain your ideal body weight, multiply your ideal body weight by 10 to 12 calories.
Each individual should consume eight 10-ounce glasses of water a day. Water helps flush the cellular system and removes toxins from the body. Water has no calories, so it's the perfect drink for individuals who wish to maintain an ideal body weight.
Stress Management
Busy lives and high levels of stress create the optimum situation to fall off the health bandwagon. Eating out instead of making healthy meals at home tops the list of ways to ruin ideal body weight. Limit eating out as well as portion consumption when in restaurants. Since many restaurants give you more than one portion at a meal, ask for half your food to be wrapped in a take-home container before you begin eating. Stress eating involves snacking on the go or when worrying. Stock the house with healthy snacks instead of chips and cookies to control binge eating.
Check Weight Regularly
Purchase a high-quality scale and weigh yourself once a week. Maintaining ideal weight involves eating properly and exercising, but it also involves being aware when you need to ramp up your routine. Our bodies become quite used to physical activity over time. You may need to vary your exercise routine to lose the pound or two that you've noticed with your weekly weigh-ins.