How Can I Get Fat Quickly?
Calories and More Calories
The simple math of weight gain is to take in more calories than you burn. In the case of wanting to gain weight quickly, this means taking in a lot more calories than you burn. You don't want to starve your body of nutrients as you are loading up on the calories, however, so it's important that the food you eat still have good nutrition. There are plenty of good-tasting, high-calorie foods that are also healthy.
Healthy Fats
For quick weight gain, aim for foods that have a high-fat and high-calorie content. To make sure you're adding the good fat, and not just the kind that will block your arteries, eat lots of foods with healthy fats and starches. These include whole milk and cream, high-protein milkshakes, salmon cooked in butter, nuts such as cashews and peanuts, pasta with olive oil, and peanut butter. Take extra helpings of whole wheat pasta and fresh vegetables.
It's true that fat is the best source for adding more fat (even the occasional cheeseburger is OK), but it is also important to be aware of the types of fat you are eating. Gaining weight quickly should not be at the expense of your health.
Sleep After Eating
To make sure your body stores these calories that you just ingested as fat, go to sleep after eating. By shutting down all unnecessary body functions and allowing your digestive system to process the food in a body that is not burning it, the calories will be stored since they have nothing else to do. They are stored in fat cells. So sleeping after eating large meals is a sure way to add fat. Just take care not to lie down too soon after you eat, or that meal can come back up in your throat and the digestive juices can wreak havoc on your throat.