What Is the Definition of Body Mass?
Body Mass Index
The body mass index is an indication if a person is at a suitable weight for his height on an approximation of body fat. To determine body mass index, a person's height and weight are put into a mathematical equation and the determining number divulges if a person is underweight, overweight or at an ideal weight. According to the American Heart Association, a body mass index can be determined with this equation: multiply your weight in pounds by 703, divide by your height in inches, then divide again by your height in inches.
A body mass index of under 20 is considered to be underweight, while a body mass index between 20 to 25 is considered healthy. A body mass index in the range of 25 to 30 is regarded as overweight. A body mass index over 30 is regarded as obese.
Low Body Mass
If your body mass index is below 20, that means you have a very low amount of body fat. If you are into athletics, this can be a good thing. However, if you not an athlete, it could mean that your weight may be too low, which can affect your immunity. Consider gaining weight through diet an exercise to develop muscle mass.
High Body Mass
A body mass index of 30 and higher is regarded as obese. The higher the body mass index, the greater the chance one has for the development of health complications, such as coronary disease, diabetes and high blood pressure. The Calorie Counter Council reports that a body mass index of 30 or higher raises the chances for death by at least 50 percent. If you have a high body mass index, eat a healthy diet and exercise to prevent additional weight gain. Check with your doctor before starting any exercise or weight-loss regimen.
For Children
Body mass index is also used for children. The Centers for Disease Control and the American Academy of Pediatrics advocate the use of body mass index to screen children for being overweight, underweight or at a healthy weight starting at the age of 2. However, a high body mass index does not automatically indicate a child is at risk. This is due to the range of healthy weight changes monthly depending on age and sex. Also the body mass index varies as a child gets taller. To conclude if a child is at risk for health complications, she would need further evaluation, such as skinfold thickness measurement and an assessment of diet and physical activity.