Tips on Having a Flat Tummy
Eating foods rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, such as avocado; olives; peanut, olive and flax seed oils; and nuts can help reduce stubborn belly fat. These foods don't only combat the unsightly subcutaneous tummy fat we curse in the mirror when we get dressed, but the dangerous visceral fat that accumulates around our organs causing health issues as well. Eating whole grains may also help reduce dangerous abdominal fat, according to a study conducted by University of Maryland researchers. The study showed people who incorporated whole-grain foods such as whole-grain breads, cereal and pasta into their weight-loss plan lost more belly fat than those eating refined grains.
Traditional stomach crunches are no longer seen as the best way to flatten those abs. Instead, the Mayo Clinic suggests abdominal hollowing to tighten deep abdominal muscles, and pelvic lifts and tilts to tighten those lower abs. For abdominal hollowing, begin on your hands and knees with your stomach relaxed and hanging down. Inhale then slowly exhale, drawing your navel inward while releasing your breath. Hold this position for 10 seconds before releasing. For pelvic lifts and tilts, begin on on your back. To perform a tilt, bend your knees, keeping your feet flat against the floor and tilt the pelvis upward. For pelvic lifts, bring your knees up to your chest then slowly lift your tailbone off the ground and hold, performing several repetitions.
Surgical Options
In some instances, surgery may be your best option for cosmetically flattening your stomach. Loose abdominal skin, stretched abdominal muscles and stubborn fat deposits may cause a stomach paunch that is resistant to diet and exercise. In these cases, a tummy tuck, abdominal liposuction or a combination of both may offer the look you want. These options are often sought by women after multiple pregnancies or by those who have lost a substantial amount of weight. It should be noted, however, that these options only work to remove excess skin and surface abdominal fat, not the deeper visceral fat that causes health issues.