What Are Healthy Ways to Gain Weight?
Calorie Increase
The recommended daily allowance of calories for men is roughly 2,500 and 2,000 for women. You should consume 500 more calories per day in order to bulk up. Your caloric intake should increase by 500 every two weeks--but no higher than 3,500 calories daily. Your meals should increase to six meals a day and should be eaten around the same time every day. Your calories should be spread out evenly, with breakfast at around 500 calories and your last late snack at around 300 calories.
Carbohydrates provide energy to your body, and when consumed in mass amounts can cause weight gain. Simple carbohydrates found in refined sugar and fruits quickly provide energy but offer little nutritional value. Consuming simple carbohydrates does not fill you up, and you will need to eat more food to feel full. Simple carbs cause your insulin levels to rise and are considered dangerous if you are a diabetic or borderline diabetic. Complex carbohydrates are found in whole-wheat bread and pasta, oat bran, oatmeal and in vegetables such as potatoes and corn. Complex carbohydrates take longer to break down in your stomach and leave you feeling full for longer periods of time. When creating your daily meals, your starch (carbohydrate) portion should be higher than your meat and nonstarchy vegetable portions.
Saturated Fat
Saturated fat does cause weight gain, but it is not healthy because it can lead to obesity, high cholesterol, diabetes and heart disease. According to the experts at the Mayo Clinic, saturated fat can be found in red meat, poultry, dairy and butter. Limit your consumption of fatty foods by replacing them with healthy alternatives. If you want protein without meat, fish is a healthy replacement that provides additional nutrients omega-3 fatty acids and protein. Protein is a key ingredient in muscle building and tissue damage repair. Omega-3 fatty acids aid in lowering your cholesterol and high blood pressure.