Diet Plan Using Prepackaged Foods
Program Types
There are two ways you can implement a prepackaged diet program. If you want to do it yourself, determine the number of calories that you would like to eat and then select prepackaged, frozen foods and snacks from your local grocer. Most grocery stores have a wide selection of meals that can meet nearly any dieter's need. Select special prepackaged snacks to eat between meals. Try 100 calorie packs of nuts, seeds or raisins. Snack bars are a good idea, however be cognizant of calories and sugar content. Aim to eat snacks at or around 100 calories.
Another type of prepackaged meal program is a weight loss club, such as Jenny Craig and Nutrisystem. Members pay a monthly fee, plus costs for meals and receive up to a month's worth of prepackaged meals, weight loss support and meetings. You don't have to add calories from meals because your weight loss coach plans a customized program for you.
Convenience is one of the biggest advantages to losing weight on a prepackaged meal plan. You never have to add calories or look up measurements because it is done for you. Also, if you aren't much of a cook or don't have time to cook, the prepackaged meal plan is a perfect choice. Most meals require only a few minutes in the microwave and come in its own serving bowl so you don't dirty dishes. Finally, because prepackaged meal plans have become popular, many food companies have become inventive and offer a vast variety of food and meal choices.
Both the do-it-yourself and weight loss club prepackaged plans are expensive. Some frozen meals at the grocery store can cost nearly $5 each and weight loss club plans require a monthly fee in addition to costly meals. Another disadvantage is that the sodium content in many of these meals is high, which could lead to high blood pressure and water retention. Finally, once you have lost the weight and have gone back to eating regular food you may gain weight back if you haven't educated yourself on healthy eating.