How to Cleanse the Liver With Olive Oil
Attention to detail is required, as the juices and mixtures must be downed in the correct sequence. It would be wise to do the liver cleanse on a day you can set aside to be home. There will be some loose stools on the day of the actual liver cleanse, though not uncontrollable.
Things You'll Need
- 1 cup virgin olive oil (light oil is best for taste)
- 4 tablespoons Epsom salts
- Several pink grapefruit (enough for 1/2 cup fresh-squeezed juice)
- Several lemons
- Ornithine, to help stay asleep. You'll need 6 to 8 capsules. There is no toxic dose.
- Black walnut tincture, or 2 freeze-dried capsules
The First Day
Start your morning with a no-fat breakfast: cooked cereal, fruit and fruit juice.
Do not eat or drink anything after 2 p.m. Get your Epsom salts mix ready. Mix 4 tbs Epsom salts in 3 cups of water. Put in a jar and store in the refrigerator; this is only for taste. This volume yields four servings, 3/4 cup each.
Drink one of the servings of Epsom salts at 6:00 p.m. Optionally, add 1/8 tsp. vitamin C powder or a little lemon juice for taste. You can add a natural sweetener. Use a straw for convenience. Rinse the taste out of your mouth with drinking water.
Get the olive oil and grapefruitjuice ready to take.
Down another 3/4 cup of the Epsom salts and water mix at 8:00 p.m. Although you have not eaten since 2 p.m., you won't feel hungry. Drink it all down quickly. Timing is very important.
Pour 1/2 cup of olive oil into a large enough jar, with a lid, to also hold 1/2 cup of the grapefruit juice that you'll mix it with; make these preparations at 9:45 p.m. Be sure to take the pulp out of the grapefruit juice. Squeeze by hand. At this point add 10 to 20 drops of the black walnut tincture or the black walnut freeze dried capsules, opened and emptied.
Close the lid and vigorously shake until the solution is watery. Use the bathroom before bedtime. Don't be more than 15 minutes off on these steps.
Drink down the elixir you just prepared, at 10:00 p.m. Now is the time to take the orinthine capsules, with the olive oil mix. Drink it down relatively quickly, within 5 minutes. Make sure you are standing when you drink it down. You could use a little natural sweetener for taste.
Go to bed immediately after drinking. Lie down and keep still. You may feel activity in your stomach. This is normal. Just keep still and go to sleep. Failure to go to sleep may result in no stones coming out.
Take the third Epsom salts and water mix the next morning at 6:00 a.m., only if there is no upset stomach. Nausea or indigestion means you need to wait until the feeling passes. Go back to bed after drinking it.
Take the fourth Epsom salts and water mix at 8:00 a.m. This is the last dose. Go back to bed.
You're done with the dosing part. Now just wait for the body cleansing to start. You'll have to go sit on the throne at least one time.
Keep a rough count of stones and crystals each time the bathroom is used after the olive oil solution is taken. Notice the small bits of green-to-tan pea-like stuff floating in the toilet.
Start eating very lightly around noon. Start with juice. Work up to fruit. Later in the evening, you should feel fine and be eating normally.
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