Healthy Body Fat Percentage for Men & Women
Hydrostatic Scales and Your Body Fat
There are many ways to determine your percentage of body fat, and some methods are more accurate than others. Unfortunately, the most accurate methods are usually the most expensive. By far, the most accurate way to measure body fat is through hydrostatic weighing. In this method, you are weighed under water. A hydrostatic scale is an expensive piece of machinery, so these scales are usually only found at high-end gyms, universities or hospitals.
Skin Fold Test
A skin fold test is also fairly reliable. This method uses skin fold calipers. These can be bought at health food stores, but you'll get a more accurate result if the test is performed by a professional. In the test, the calipers measure how much skin can be "pinched" in various areas all over your body. These numbers are used in conjunction with equations that derive your body fat percentage.
Simple Methods
Though they are not as accurate, you can use simpler versions to determine your percentage. There are body fat scales that will list your percentage upon weighing. You can also use a height-weight chart, or determine your body mass index (BMI), which determines your risk factor for obesity based upon set ranges. These methods do not consider water weight, and they don't take into count muscular bodies. They will give you, however, a general idea about your body fat percentage and how close you are to a healthy range.
Acceptable Numbers
Women naturally have 10 to 12 percent of body fat, and this is essential for their bodies. Men, on the other hand, only have 2 to 4 percent of naturally occurring, essential body fat. For the most part, women's body fat should fall within the range of 25 to 31 percent. Because men have less body fat naturally, their acceptable range is much lower. Men should fall into the areas of 14 to 25 percent. Most athletes will have a percentage that is much lower than the average ranges for men and women.
Women who have 32 percent body fat or more are generally considered obese. Men whose percentages are over 25 percent are labeled obese. Obesity is a growing issue in the United States, and more and more attention is being brought to childhood obesity. Getting a good idea of your body fat percentage and making sure that number falls into the healthy range is very important for overall health.