Weight Loss Over 40
Weight loss was easier when you were younger because the body's metabolism runs at a faster rate. The metabolism slows down about 5 percent in your 30s and continues slowing as you age. By the time you are in your 40s, that is about 200 calories that you are no longer able to eat without gaining weight. Many people gain weight because they have not incorporated a way to omit 200 calories a day from their diet to compensate for this change.
The first thing you want to do in order to lose weight when you are in your 40s is to eliminate about 200 calories from your current diet or increase your physical activity to account for the difference.
Weight loss for those older than 40 requires adding exercise to your daily routine. If you are serious about losing weight, you will need to exercise five to six days a week, for at least 30 minutes each time. Most of that exercise needs to be aerobic, in order to burn calories. However, it is important to add weight training to your routine as well. Building muscle will help you maintain a faster metabolism. A pound of muscle burns significantly more calories than a pound of fat.
Decrease Stress
When you reach your 40s, life can be much more stressful than it was in early adulthood. Many people have multiple responsibilities that include raising children, working long hours, maintaining a home, caring for elderly parents and keeping up with a social life. If not managed properly, stress can wreak havoc on weight-loss plans. The reason for this is that the body releases more cortisol under these conditions. Cortisol is not your friend, as it tells the body to hold onto the fat it has.
Reduce levels of cortisol in your body by exercising, meditating and carving out time for yourself. This might mean releasing some of your obligations, and generally simplifying your life.
Have Your Hormones Tested
Our hormones strike a delicate balance in our bodies. If hey get out of balance, we have a tendency to have mood swings, gain weight and have other health problems. Thyroid hormones are notorious for getting out of balance and causing weight loss or gain. If you are older than 40, you should have your levels of these hormones tested.
You'll also want to have your insulin levels tested. Being too resistant to insulin can also cause you to retain or gain weight. Other hormones, such as estrogen, can affect insulin, so it's a good idea to have a full hormonal workup to make sure that everything is in balance.
Slow and Steady
If you are determined to lose weight in your 40s, have an action plan. Cut your calories, exercise, reduce stress and have your hormone levels tested. If you do these things consistently, the weight will come off. It might not come off as quickly as it did in your 20s, but you will see the numbers on the scale start to look more favorable.