Calories Burned with Low Impact Aerobics
Low impact aerobics elevates the heart rate and gets the blood pumping. Examples of low impact aerobic activities include but are not limited to:
• Walking
• Swimming
• Biking
• Hiking
• Dancing
• Snowshoeing
• Aerobics classes
• Water aerobics
• Using stationary aerobic equipment like ellipticals, treadmills, and stationary bikesDuring each of these activities, your body burns calories. Exactly how many calories you burn during low impact aerobic activity depends on how much you weigh, the speed you move, the time you spend, and the quality and type of movement you engage in. According to the Calories Burned Calculator, low impact aerobics will burn an average of 6 calories per minute, or around 363 calories in an hour assuming an average 150-lb. body weight.
When you participate in low impact aerobic activities, over time the heart becomes stronger and more efficient and does not have to work as hard to deliver oxygen throughout the body. Once you are aerobically fit, you can work longer and harder and recover quicker compared to individuals who are not in shape. This becomes increasingly more important as you age.
When you are in shape, you feel good overall. Your body is healthy and lean and your renewed metabolism is working hard burning higher amounts of calories even while you sleep. Your energy levels are high and your weight is at a healthy level. Your heart and lungs are performing better, keeping you feeling young. You mood is even lighter with all of those endorphins buzzing around inside you. While the initial goal might have been to lose weight and reduce body fat, the health benefits of a low impact aerobics routine are everywhere.
One misconception surrounding calorie burn in relation to aerobic activity is that it seems that high impact aerobics would be more effective at burning more calories than low impact aerobics in the same time period. Actually, it is possible to achieve a higher level of calorie burn during low impact aerobics by emphasizing your movements more. Take bigger steps, cover more space during side-to-side or front-to-back movements, bend your knees deeper, lift your legs higher, and increase the power behind all movements. The lesson here is that doing more and moving faster is not always the best way to get results.
A regular low impact aerobic workout won't just reduce body fat. It is perfect for maintaining a flexible and toned body shape. To get the most out of a calorie-burning low impact aerobic routine, start out slow and increase intensity and duration gradually over time. Consider working with a well-trained fitness expert or personal trainer. And don't forget to follow a balanced and healthy diet along with getting proper rest each day.
The types of low impact aerobic activities you participate in will vary the amount of calories you burn. Consult a calorie counter to determine how many calories you might burn during a particular activity during a given amount of time. Find a link to the Calorie Council's online calorie calculator in the References section.
Remember that all exercise routines should begin with a warm up and end with a cool down session. Warming up prepares your muscles for more activity, while cooling down helps you return to normal.