Diet for an Under Active Thyroid
The thyroid gland is the body's metabolism regulator. Located in the neck, this small gland secretes a hormone that helps the body transform food into energy. People with an underactive thyroid have lower amounts of thyroid hormones in their systems than they need and therefore have slower metabolisms.-
Those with an underactive thyroid, or hypothyroidism, generally experience a weight gain or have a difficult time losing the excess weight they already have. Unfortunately, because an underactive thyroid is the result of a hormonal imbalance, there are no foods that will counteract the effects of hypothyroidism. A synthetic hormone in pill form needs to be taken to bring the hormone levels back into balance. However, a proper diet will help to slow or prevent excessive weight gain while the thyroid is underproducing.
Individuals with an underactive thyroid should focus on eating healthful and balanced meals. Weight gain may be impossible to avoid with an underactive thyroid and weight loss exceptionally difficult; however, maintaining healthy eating habits can help minimize these negative effects. Eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. These foods have high water content and a low amount of calories, making them more easily processed by the body. Also, lean meats such as chicken and fish provide essential proteins and fats in combination with low levels of detrimental saturated fats. Avoid frying or cooking with too much butter or oil to prevent otherwise healthful foods from becoming too fatty. Furthermore, avoid foods that are heavily processed, as they are more difficult for the body to break down, which works to your detriment of those already combating a slowed metabolism. Salt should also be used sparingly as it causes the body to hold onto water, creating extra water weight.
When focusing on eating healthy by limiting fatty and processed foods, some people take the diet too far and do not consume enough calories. It is crucial not to starve your body when trying to reach a healthy weight, because denying your body the calories it needs to function may cause you to gain rather than lose weight. Gaining weight while dieting or trying to eat more healthfully is a result of the body going into a state of shock and storing rather than burning fat because it does not know when it will receive the fuel it needs to function properly again. Consult with your physician about any diet modifications to ensure that the measures you take will help rather than hinder your weight battle with an underactive thyroid.