Protein for Muscle Recovery
Your muscles are naturally composed of protein, with the help of the foods you eat. However, this protein can be lost during all phases of your workout. Although protein does not give you the energy for a workout that carbohydrates do, it still plays an important role in your muscle structure and well-being. For the best results, eat small amounts of protein before and after your workout to aid in muscle recovery.
Catabolic Phase
When you exercise, your muscles break down protein, or go through a catabolic phase. According to, if you plan to exercise for a long period of time, eat a mix of carbohydrates and protein two hours before your workout to keep you muscles from tiring too quickly. A lack of protein in your body before a workout will interfere with muscle recovery.
Anabolic Phase
The anabolic phase is also the recovery phase for muscles after you work out. Your muscles utilize any protein in your body for repair and rebuilding. Your muscles will gradually become sore after a workout if there is a lack of protein in your body . Eat protein within 30 minutes after you finish your workout.
You can eat protein from various foods, whether they are included in a meal, or you just need a snack to recover from your workout. Lean meats like chicken and fish are a source of protein, as well as eggs and milk. If you are a vegetarian, try soy products. A snack which contains both fiber and protein is apple slices dipped in peanut butter. Be careful to keep the peanut butter serving to a spoonful, as it also contains fat.
Protein supplements, such as those in the form of powders, are offered at health food stores and marketed to help you build muscle. However, according to, protein in the form of food is more beneficial and efficient than supplements. Your body absorbs protein in its original source better than broken down versions, like those found in store-bought extracts.