What Are Some Quick Ways to Lose Weight?
Low-Carb Diet
While Atkins may be the most popular low-carb diet out there, there are numerous versions making the rounds, some of which are not as strict and a lot healthier. Diets low in carbs and high in proteins cause quick loss for a simple reason: carbohydrates absorb liquid, causing you to bloat and thus weight more. Also, carbs tend to spike your blood sugar, making you crave more carbs a few hours later. Proteins, on the other hand, are filling, so you usually eat less of them because you end up feeling full sooner. Proteins also take longer to digest, making your body burn more calories during the digestive process.
High-protein diets are usually not healthy to be followed in the long-term. Diets such as Atkins, which does not restrict fat consumption, can put you at risk of heart disease, impaired kidney function, liver disorders and kidney stones. As a short-term weight-loss push, though, they usually work well. Most weight loss in a low-carb diet happens during the first week, as the body gets rid of extra water and uses the last remains of glucose (carbohydrates) left in your system. After that period, weight loss slows down, although you can still expect a loss pf up to three pounds a week, more if you exercise regularly.
Liquid Diet
There are numerous versions of the liquid diet. Some include liquids in the forms of soups, such as the popular chicken soup or cabbage soup diets. In both cases, you are directed to eat a homemade soup using the ingredient in the recipe, and accompany that with fruits or vegetables, usually on alternating days. Because liquids are filling but contain few calories, you are likely to lose weight because you're eating a lot less than you normally would. A healthier alternative is a juice fast, where you only drink vegetable (and some fruits) juice for three to seven days. Juice fasts are rarely advertised as weight-loss plans and instead purported to help you cleanse your body and release toxins. While they will certainly clear your digestive system, they will also help with weight loss, as you will be consuming a very low amount of calories on a daily basis. Liquid diets of this type are very difficult to follow because you're usually ravenous by the end of the day, and cheating is likely. Even if you're able to stick to the diet for the recommended days, chances are you'll overeat once the diet is over. Instead of going to extremes, you may be better off replacing a couple of your meals with liquids but still consuming enough solids to help you ward off hunger.
Commercial liquid diets (best known as meal replacement drink or shakes), such as Boost or Ultra Slim Fast, are an alternative for those with a sweet tooth. Drinks are sold either in powder form (which you must mix with water or skim milk) or canned ready-to-drink mixes. Cans contain an average of 200 calories, and dieters should drink four a day, sometimes followed by a light dinner that is low in fat and sugars.