How Long Will You Continue to Gain Holiday Weight?

Every year the holidays come, and every year you struggle with the temptations that they bring. Everywhere you look, there is candy or sweet, fattening food. When it is all over, all you have to show for it is another weight gain. You have been struggling long enough! There are many ways to combat the holiday weight gain. It takes a little planning and determination, but you can be in control and enjoy the holidays without the added weight.
  1. Plan Ahead

    • You know the holidays are coming and that temptations will be everywhere. Instead of waiting until you're in the midst of it, be proactive. A month or two before the festivities begin, work on your diet and exercise routine. Cut back your portions and minimize your fat and sugar intake. By starting early, you can develop new habits before the stress of the holidays hits, and probably lose a few pounds ahead of time. Then if you do put on a few, you won't have lost ground. Think of it as getting in shape before a big race.

    Know Your Weaknesses

    • Between October and January, every type of indulgent treat will show up in front of you. Take stock of what your personal weaknesses are. If it's sugary treats, practice choosing just one type of dessert or asking for the smallest piece. If making cookies is a holiday tradition, plan to give most of them away. As soon as they are cool, package them in pretty wrapping so they are obviously off limits. Don't volunteer to bring sweets to parties. If you can't get out of it, make something that you don't particularly like. If you could eat mashed potatoes all day, have some with dinner, then give away or throw away the rest. Don't keep them around for late-night splurges. Carry sugar-free gum with you at all times. When temptation strikes, pop a piece in your mouth. It keeps your mouth busy, gives your brain a flavor rush, and takes your mind off the temptation.

    Drink Water

    • Thirst can sometimes be disguised as hunger. So many foods are salty, especially snacks at holiday time, that many of us are thirsty and don't even realize it. You should always drink water, but especially at the holidays, drink lots and drink it early in the day to hydrate your body. You will be surprised at how drinking a glass of water right before a meal can help you feel fuller faster.

    Eat Ahead of Time

    • Look at your day. Is there a big office party at noon? Plan to have some yogurt or an apple at mid-morning so that you don't feel ravenous at lunch and overdo it. Have a big party to attend at 7 o'clock that evening? At 5, have a small salad or a plate of raw veggies. This will help curb your appetite and also add nutrition to your total food intake for the day.

    Enjoy, Then Walk Away

    • Decide before you get to the gathering how much you will eat, that you will enjoy it fully, and then walk away. At a buffet, choose a small plate and fill it with anything you want, but no second helpings. One piece of pie, not one of each kind. Don't stand and eat. Get the food, eat and walk away. Don't linger at a table still half full of food. Let the server take your plate, put it in the sink, throw the paper plate away--then leave the area. Go to another room and see what people are doing. Play with young relatives. Gather your cousins or office mates and head out for a brisk walk around the block. Start a game of 20 questions. You can be the one to bring the focus back to loved ones instead of food.

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