Weight Loss Tips to Lose 100 Pounds
See Your Doctor
Before beginning any significant weight loss journey, it is important to see your doctor. She will evaluate your general health, and advise on the wisdom of ranges of exercise. She may also have suggested food plans or calorie amounts that she would like you to follow. She will probably advise a steady 1 to 2 lb. loss per week, as the National Institute of Health recommends.
Take it Slow
The best way to take off weight and, more importantly, keep it off, is to lose slowly and steadily. Keep your goals realistic. As you chart your weight from week to week, keep in mind that a general trend downward is more important than individual weekly losses. Reality show-sized losses are for television. In the real world, losing half a pound is a good loss, and all of the small losses will add up to significant pounds over the next couple of years.
Get Support
Get your friends, significant other, children and anyone else in your life involved. The more support you have, the easier this journey will be. Exchange recipes and dishes with friends. Play outside with your children. Have your husband or wife walk with you every evening. Have a jump-roping contest with your brother. Email your sister three times a week, to keep her informed. The more people you have on your team, the easier it will be to lose weight, and the harder it will be to fall down and not get back up.
Recognize Milestones
Accept that this is going to be a long journey, probably two years or more. But always make sure to celebrate the milestones along the way. Buy a new book or CD after every 10 lbs. After losing 10 percent of your body weight, buy a new inspirational T-shirt to wear while working out. Pick a large reward for yourself to be enjoyed when you meet your goal, but treat yourself along the way, as well.