Ingredients in Acai Berry Pills
Acai pills are supplements or capsules made from acai berries. They are the most common version of acai, as they are small and portable. Acai pills have become popular due to their healthy attributes as diet and health aids, and as weight loss tools. At this point, however, although acai pills are marketed as a weight-loss solution, no studies have shown that they cause weight loss on their own, so you should always use them concurrently with a diet and exercise plan.-
The main ingredient in acai pills is acai berries. Acai berries are grown in the rain forests of Brazil. Because they begin to deteriorate quickly, they are usually crushed or freeze-dried for sustainability. Acai pills are freeze-dried acai berries. You can use the same freeze-dried or crushed acai berries for juice or smoothies. Although acai pills contain the same ingredient as acai juice or smoothies, they are more popular than other forms due to their size.
Time Frame and Quality
Since acai berries break down within 24 hours of harvest, quality acai products must be made quickly. The berries are usually freeze-dried immediately after they are picked. This process, when done correctly, preserves the fiber and content of acai berries. A consumer can add water to quality freeze-dried acai berries and make a drink that contains the berry's original taste and aroma. He also receives all the berry's healthy nutrients. Berries used for acai pills should also be immediately freeze-dried upon harvest, to preserve their nutrients.
Acai pills have many functions. The first and most obvious is that of a weight-loss aid. Acai berries are full of antioxidants, amino acids, and essential fatty acids. They also contain dietary fiber. These elements balance the digestive system, and make a person feel "full." For this reason, they have become popular and are widely used in the United States and around the world as dietary supplements.
Benefits and Quality
Acai berries and acai pills taste like a mix of chocolate and berries. Their positive attributes range from a tasty snack to a health supplement. The antioxidants promote healthy skin and combat signs of aging. Acai pills are good for detoxing the body, maintaining a healthy pH balance, and preventing disease. Acai pills also help to maintain muscular health, and give people added energy.
People taking acai pills or acai berries should be careful to choose their product wisely. The acai berry homepage ( recommends that people avoid acai berry extract, as it uses only a portion of the fruit and eliminates many of the nutrients. The same is true of spray and drum-dried products. These techniques use heat to "dry" the berries, which destroys the fruit's valuable antioxidants.
Acai pills have no known side effects for healthy bodies. As with any fruit, however, consuming too many acai berries or pills at once may lead to mild cases of diarrhea. These cases are rare, and short lived. If you experience allergy-like symptoms after taking acai berries or acai pills, you should see your doctor. People with pollen allergies are especially prone to allergic reactions to the berries.