Dangers From Drinking Too Many Soft Drinks
Drinking too many soft drinks increases the likelihood of obesity and diabetes. Teens especially drink too many soft drinks, often in replacement of more beneficial drinks such as milk.
Dental Health
While the high sugar content in soft drinks is a contributor to poor dental health, the phosphoric acid in them causes the most tooth damage by dissolving calcium.
Bone Health
Caffeine disrupts the absorption of calcium into the bones. Coupled with a decrease in calcium rich drinks, bones aren't able to absorb the amount of calcium needed for proper growth and strength.
Kidney Health
According to a 1996 study conducted by the American Journal of Epidemiology, those who drank two or more cola drinks a day where twice as likely to develop kidney disease as those who didn't.
Caffeine is a mildly addictive stimulant. Increased levels of caffeine are attributed to high levels of cortisol, which is characterized by hormonal fluctuations and irritability.