How to Increase Libido & Lose Weight
How to Increase Libido and Lose Weight
Start by adding several eggs to your daily diet. Eggs are a terrific source of vitamins B5 and 6, both of which are required to balance your hormone levels, relieve stress and achieve the libido you may be lacking. They are also high in protein, an amino acid which is essential for building lean muscle and increasing your metabolism. The more lean muscle you have, the more fat and calories you will burn through the day.
Chew on some celery. Celery is a great food for weight loss because you actually burn more calories eating it than it even contains. In addition, it is home to the odorless hormone, androsterone. This is released through a man's perspiration, attracting women to him.
Sip some soy. Soy and its products is beneficial to both men and women; the isoflavones it contains helps lubricate the vaginal area, and also benefits the prostate, one of the most critical male sex organs. Products such as soy milk and tofu are wonderful sources of protein and are great replacement options for various high-fat dairy and meat products.
Eat more Zinc. Both men and women rely on the sex hormone, testosterone, for their libido to function properly. Zinc plays a crucial role in the production of testosterone. Foods such as turkey, brown rice and cheese are all good sources of this valuable mineral and are helpful when trying to lose weight. Turkey is a good source of protein and provides an alternative to high-fat red meats, brown rice is a whole-grain, filling you up faster and keeping you full longer, while cheese provides you with the vitamins and calcium you need for strong bones.
Get some arginine. Arginine, an amino acid, increases blood circulation to the genitals of both men and women. For men this means better erections, and for women, stronger orgasms. Though it comes in supplement form, it can also be found in foods such as oatmeal, granola, green vegetables, soybeans and chickpeas (legumes). These are all foods which make up a healthy diet, are low-calories and increase your metabolism, aiding in weight loss.
Incorporate exercise. Daily cardiovascular exercise such as walking, jogging and biking will not only help you shed unwanted pounds, it can also help improve blood flow to your pelvis. This increased circulation results in an improved libido and more satisfying orgasms. Yoga classes are beneficial for improving your strength and flexibility; this will not only serve you well with health wise, but may fit in nicely with your new found sex drive.