Cellulite Body Wrap Recipes
What is Cellulite?
Cellulite, also known as cottage cheese skin and orange peel syndrome involves a dimpling of certain areas of the body, usually the thighs, abdomen and buttocks. Although its causes are poorly understood, it is thought that the build up of cellulite might be related to hormones as it is mostly present in women and rarely in men. Genetic factors such and race and distribution of fat are indicated. Dietary changes have no overall effect on the amount cellulite but has varying effects on its appearance.
Choose an Herb
Your choice of herb will depend on what result you want. It is best to use them in their dried form in this type of mixture.
Chamomile: a muscle relaxant with skin-toning properties.
Dandelion: a detoxifying agent that stimulates circulation and soothes irritates skin.
Parsley: soothes irritated and dry skin; stimulates circulation and detoxifies.
Spearmint: stimulates circulation, refreshes tired skin and soothes dryness.
Essential Oils
There are a wide range of essential oils to choose from. Here are some of the safest and most popular.
Neroli: relaxes muscles, softens skin and balances natural skin oils.
Lemon: detoxifies the skin and restores its natural pH balance.
Lavender: cleanses the skin, heals scars, softens skin.
Rosemary: stimulates circulation, soothes irritated skin.
There are two main types of clay suitable for a body wrap. If your skin has a tendency to be greasy or normal, then you will probably want to choose green clay as this helps to improve the texture of the skin and tightens the pores.
If your skin is usually dry, then red clay is the one for you. This will rehydrate your skin and ease dryness.
Choose a Moisturizer
If you decide not to use an optional moisturizer, replace it with water. Here are a few suggestions:
Witch hazel extract: a great skin toner; witch hazel also cleanses oily skin.
Glycerin: rehydrates your skin and relieves dryness.
Aloe vera: tones skin, eases itchiness and smooths dryness.
Apple Cider Vinegar: moisturizes, improves dry skin
How to Mix a Body Wrap
Boil 6 cups of water in a large pot.
Add 1 cup of your dried herb to the water.
Take off the boil and allow to steep for 10 minutes.
Add 2 cups of clay.
Add 11/2 cups of moisturizer.
Add 10 drops essential oil.
Mix together and apply when the mixture is comfortably warm.
How to Apply a Body Wrap
Prior to wrapping your body, take a warm shower to open your pores. Drink plenty of water to help flush out any toxins from your body. Once the body wrap mix has cooled to be comfortable to the touch, smooth it over the targeted areas of your body. Wrap warm towels around these areas. Lie down on your bed and relax for about an hour. After this time, unwrap the towels and take a shower.