Techniques to Lose Weight With the Weighted Hula Hoop
The Hoop
Weighted hula hoops come in many sizes, and can be custom made. The ideal weight is between four to five pounds and should be 41 to 42 inches in diameter to allow for more consistent twirling around the waist. Prices can run from $10 to $45. It is a reasonable investment for exercise equipment. A good rule of thumb to follow is when placed in front of an individual, the hoop should reach midway between the navel and the chest. To work effectively, a hoop must be the correct size for the individual's body type and size.
Bigger hula hoops will rotate slower and smaller hoops will rotate faster. Weighted hoops help to slow the twirls, which allows an individual to comfortably move the body's mid-section, keeping the hoop up for longer periods of time. Smaller hoops simply rotate too quickly and will keep falling to the ground.
There is one basic hooping exercise, twirling it around your waist. Standing straight with one foot in front of the other and the hoop around the waist slightly above the hips, you should move the hoop forward so it is touching the back. Pushing the hoop around the waist, you should move side to side with the waist and hips or back to front with the belly, allowing the hoop to move around the mid-section.
More advanced users can spin hoops on their neck, arms and legs. Twirling multiple hoops will burn more calories, raise the heart rate, and strengthen and tone muscles. One can also jump with the hoop, similar to using a jumping rope, or multiple hoops can be set on the floor while one jumps in and out, from one hoop to another.
Because only the abdominal muscles and hips are used to keep the hoop twirling, the exercise mainly targets fat reduction in the hips and waist. It can also stabilize the torso and legs, tone and strengthen abdominal muscles and give the entire body a workout. This exercise also helps to build and strengthen the body's core. You should check with your doctor before starting any exercise program. If there is a history of back or neck problems, hooping might not be recommended because of the potential for muscle and joint strain.
The longer one can twirl, the more calories will be burned. Since mini-workouts are very advantageous to your physical well-being, hooping, done in short bursts for two minutes at a time several times a day, can be a very beneficial workout. One recommendation is to hula hoop during TV commercials for up to 20 minutes a day. In a few weeks, one should notice physical improvements in the waist and hip areas.