Herbal Detox Foods

Detoxifying the body is considered by many as an important way to get healthy. Detoxification will get rid of the chemicals that are consumed when eating certain foods, and will leave you feeling better. One of the more popular ways to flush your body is with herbal detox. Before you do herbal detox, you should prepare your body for the inevitable difficulty in dealing with this detox method. As always, consult your doctor beforehand.
  1. Herbs

    • The herbs in your herbal diet should be integrated into your food almost immediately. These herbs will, in combination with the food you mix them with, help to get the dangerous and potentially poisonous chemicals out of your body and help you feel healthier. Good herbs to use are garlic, cayenne pepper, primrose oil, parsley, flax seed and cinnamon. These will not only detoxify your body, they will add flavor to the bland food that you will be eating while you are on your detoxifying diet.


    • Begin the detox process with juices. Drinking apple, orange or prune juice will help clear your body of toxic substances. The first day of a detoxifying diet should mainly consist of juices and water. This will help clear your body of the food and the chemicals that come from the food. If you feel like you need more, try to integrate broth into your diet--but nothing else.

    Steamed Vegetables

    • On the second day of the detoxifying routine, integrate vegetables into the diet. Steam the vegetables, as this will leave the least amount of residue in them. At first, you should only eat one kind of vegetable. After a day of juices, water and broth, it will be difficult for your body to accept a wide variety of foods. The vitamins and minerals in these vegetables will keep your body operating and moving, but will not add any toxic chemicals to your body.


    • The next step in your detoxifying routine should be salads. You can use many herbs and vegetables for this step. However, you should try to use organic or homegrown vegetables. Frozen vegetables found in a store may contain chemicals, so if you have a garden or an organic food store nearby, get your vegetables from there. A good salad would include red cabbage, grated carrots, beetroot, celery, watercress, cucumber and red peppers. Use your herbs instead of salad dressing, which is full of chemicals.


    • Now that your body has some food in it, you should start integrating fruits into your diet. As with vegetables, try to use only organic or homegrown fruits. It is harder to grow your own fruit, however. A good fruit to start with is melon. They are tasty, but not acidic. Any kind of melon is fine. Next, you can integrate oranges, grapefruit, pineapples or plums. Don't mix the fruits. Mixing the fruits will lead to potential stomach problems.

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