How to Calculate Calories Used by Exercise Bike
Things You'll Need
- Internet
- Calculator
Create a routine for your exercise regimen. Decide on how long you can work out as well as how vigorous the activity is going to be. For bike riding, there is leisure riding, which is about 3 to 5 mph; aerobic riding, which is about 6 to 9 mph; and vigorous riding, which is 10 mph or more.
Choose the style of bike you would like for your routine. There is the traditional style, which has a high seat, and the low style, which has a wider, lower-positioned seat. Both will give you a good workout, so the decision is based on comfort.
Weigh yourself. Your weight is going to play an important factor in calculating your calories burned. A heavy person needs more energy to do a routine than a lighter person would to do the same routine.
Keep track of the time and speed while working out, and write it down so you can take it with you to calculate your calories burned. It will also help you keep a record to establish a routine of choice to follow for future workouts.
Calculate the calories burned during your workout with your recorded information The most accurate result will be from a program designed to take into account your weight, how long you worked out and the speed at which you exercised. Tons of free calculators are available online.
Figure our the calories burned without the online calculator by taking the time you spent working out by the number of average calories that will be burnt at the speed you used. If you weigh 200 or more, you will burn about nine calories per minute for leisure riding, 11 per minute for aerobic, and 14 for vigorous. If you weigh less, it will be closer to five calories per minute for leisure, six for aerobic, and eight for vigorous.