Does Water Increase Metabolism?
The Facts
Our bodies are 75 percent water; therefore, everything that happens in our body depends on water. When there is enough water, body functions work properly. When there is not enough water, they do not. Metabolism is no different. In order for metabolic processes to work efficiently, your body must have enough water.
Metabolism is the process for converting food into energy. When the metabolism cannot convert food into energy, that food is broken down and stored in fat cells, which in turn leads to weight gain. If your body doesn't get enough food, the metabolism has to dip into the fat cells for energy---in this case, you would lose weight. Ensuring that your metabolism is working at an optimum level is essential to lose weight.
According to one small study by "The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism," drinking 16 oz of water increases the metabolism by as much as 30 percent. However, the study specifies that the water must be heated to body temperature---98.6 degrees. Drinking water may have other benefits aside from helping your metabolism. If you drink a large glass of water before a meal, you are likely to feel full more quickly, causing you to eat less, which may result in weight loss.
There are many theories about whether drinking water should be warm or cold. Some theories suggest that drinking cold water, especially after a meal, will bind up the oily food and create a sludge-effect where your food will not digest as quickly. According to, this is pure myth and so are the associated claims that drinking cold water after a meal will cause cancer. Other theories suggest that drinking cold water will actually increase the metabolism because in order to warm the cold water, your body must use energy. When you use enough energy, you can lose weight. No medical research supports these theories.
How Much Water Should You Drink?
According to the Mayo Clinic, you should drink eight, 8 oz glasses of water per day. Their recommendations for total fluid intake per day are higher: 13 c. per day for men and 9 c. per day for women.